Friday, September 23, 2011

Stats.... :)

Since the start of this blog (Fall 2009), we have had over 2000 blog hits. 

I am also please to announce that Russia is the top following country for this month!!!!! YEAH!

Just thought all of you would like to hear these fun facts. I also promise I will post an update about my project later this month! Take care! Happy Spinning!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life! :)

It has been a while since I last wrote on this blog, and I thought it was about time to update everyone. 

Master Spinners Update - I am currently waiting for the grading results for level five.... I am still trying to figure out how to take a movie that I made on the iPhone and get it downloaded and sent to get graded. 

As far as life goes.... it always keeps me busy! :) Today we were running around town all day long working on a service project, so if my blog post does not totally make sense, please forgive me... I have had a long day. 

Enough about me... I want to hear how all of you are doing! Email me or post a comment when you get the time. 

XOXO, Mallory

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Halcyon Yarn 40th Anniversary Homecoming Party!!!!

Halcyon @ Halcyon Yarn will be hosting their 40th Anniversary Homecoming Party in Bath, Maine on July 17th. 

Halcyon has planned a very fun day, and I would encourage all who can attend to do so!

I really wish I could make it up to Maine for this special event,  however my thoughts will be with all of you who go! 

Monday, June 6, 2011

BFL Dyed Roving


Above are pictures of the BFL roving I dyed for my class presentation (level 5).

Magazine Article

After much work, my magazine article has been published on Valley Fiber Life online magazine!!!! Click on link below to view "Growing Up With A Love For Fiber Arts".

Thanks for all of your support along this journey!
Mallory Stack

Growing Up With A Love For Fiber Arts

Summer Time! :)

Summer is here! Do you have any fun plans for your Summer? Our family is getting ready for our summer by making our plans for travel. 

As far as spinning goes, my most resent project has been doing the class presentation for level five. I chose to pick the topic of the rainbow dying method, and have had lots of practice dying to get the video just right! The first time we filmed the video, the video went over 30 minutes (the requirement was 15 minutes), which would not upload because of the size, so we had to refilm the video. While trying to flim the video we were interrupted over three times, so we had to restart. haha.... life always seems to go that way. I finally have the 15 minute presentation done, so now I just need to download it! Since, we tried filming SO many times, we have lots of beautiful dyed roving. I will post pictures of the roving soon.

After level five is graded, I will only have level six left. Level six requires the student to go to Canada to test, however because of the small number of students ready to test (3 including me), they think it won't be until next Summer for all of us to test (they are hoping that by then that they will have 6 students ready). I am still trying to decide what to do.... as by next Summer I will be working on my college degree and most likely won't have extra time. They have offered the option of paying the $2400 to have the teacher come to me (which does not include transportation or a place for the teacher to stay). 

Any one have any ideas? 

Well, I hope you Summer goes smoothly and that you enjoy yourselves!~ I would love to hear from you! Keep checking back for fun updates!

Mallory <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Janet - Nature Reserve Alpacas (Callicoon, NY)

"Thank you for the update on how you were progressing with your level 5 and going into level 6 work.  I know what it feels like to get to the final stages of a project and want to just finish.  I' m in college trying to finish my business degree and it seems like it's not going fast enough!  Good luck, Mal.  When everything is all done and the dust settles you'll wonder how you accomplished all the things you did this past year.  Do take some times to breathe.  Life goes by so quickly.  Enjoy your teens!"

Best to you,


Denise - Schacht Spindle Co. (Boulder, Co)

"Dear Mallory,

I do customer service here at Schacht Spindle Co.  I have received your emails, and put your blog on my personal blog list that I check religiously.  I have only been following it for a little bit.  Unfortunately not enough time to have entered your Angora contest, ack!  I just wanted to let you know that every time I read your blog, or get a mass email from you, I am in awe!  I really wish I had the opportunities that you have had in your schooling to invent myself instead of the “system” inventing myself for me. 

Fortunately, I have fled the system and forged my own path in spite of all of the “programming” from conventional schooling.  I am writing you to tell you in this time when things may seem “down,” just remember that you are living the dream of many people who were unable to express themselves as you do at your age.  And to boot, I am sure you are an inspiration to people like me, and give us hope for your generation.  I cannot give you any practical feedback on your spinning (again I am new to your blog, and you probably know more about spinning that I at this point!), I just wanted to give you a little moral support and cheer you on."


Customer Support and Sales Representative
Schacht Spindle Co., Inc./Mirrycle Corporation
6101 Ben Place  Boulder, CO 80301

Emails from Sponsors and Followers!

I have had some of the most inspiring letters and thought that some of you might enjoy reading them (I have asked their permission to share these). Please check back often as I add them to my blog!

Friday, April 22, 2011

In-Depth Study

I heard back today from the people who look over the In-depth studies, and they suggested that I resubmit a proposal using more spinning methods. I really thought that the study I chose would help other spinners find uses for their angora fiber that was too short or webbed. Over the past ten years of rabbit raising I have seen large amounts of the felting grade angora go to waste, so even if the topic does not get approved, I would like to come up with new and creative ways to use this product.

Does anyone have any creative ideas for a in-depth study????? I think my creative juices are running low....... hopefully tomorrow I will be recharged.

You have heard enough about me..... how are your lives going??

This month the roving that I sent to the mill (using the alpaca donated) is now ready to be spun. I will post pictures next week.

Until then, Mallory Stack

Friday, April 1, 2011

In-Depth Study Proposal Submission Form

Below is the submitted In-Depth study for level six:

Uses for Felting Grade Angora

Fibers to be used: Angora (raised), merino (bought)
Spinning methods: Worsted (Z twist - S twist ply)
Finishing methods: Knitting, Felting,

Samples or end products (describe how many and what they will be):

I would like to create one of each of the following items showing the uses of Felting Angora:

Shoe/Boot Liners (felted)
Designer Yarn
Purse (spun, knitted, and felted)
Flies for fly fishing
Christmas Bulb (stuffed with chunky yarn)
Handwarmers (spun and knitted)

How will the objective be accomplished (briefly describe what you intend to do):

I realized how much angora is wasted because it had felted on the animal or it was too short in length, so I chose to focus my study on the uses for felting angora. My goal for this study is to come up with uses to turn a waste product into a profit. This study will use many methods in order to complete this project.


This study has been turned in and I will start as soon as it is approved.

Email me if you have any more ideas that you would think would improve this study.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Contest Winners Announced!

Millennial Way Farm for the first time ever sponsored the "Why I Want A German Angora" Contest Giveaway. We are planning on hosting this contest yearly, so please check back often.
We would like to thank all those who participated in the 2011 Spring contest! The winners entries can be found under the "Spring Winners" page on the "Why I Want A German Contest". We will be sure to take pictures of the winners with their new angoras later this year.

1st Place Best Overall - Erin Smith (Hillsboro, Texas)
                     One Free Full German Buck w/Pedigree***

1st Place Most Creative Idea - Mike Burns (Sherwood, Arkansas)
                      One Free Full German Buck w/Pedigree***

2nd Place - E. Marie Lawler (Bloomingdale, Ohio)
                   50% Off of a Full German Angora Buck of choice***

3rd Place - Melody Conatser (Mountain View, Arkansas)
                   25% Off of a Full German Angora Buck of choice***

4th Place - Beverly McConnell (Havana, Arkansas)
                  10% Off of a Full German Angora Buck of choice &  two ounces of White Prime Clip Angora***

***All winners will chose from the available Angoras offered on our blog.

Thanks for all of your support and for making our first ever contest such a sucess.

Make sure to add Millennial Way Farm to your favorite networks! You can find us on Facebook, Twitter, Ravelry, Blogger, YouTube and more!

Thanks, Mallory Stack @ Millennial Way Farm

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Contest Update

Only 10 days left! Be sure to submit your entry soon. Good luck!


Email for more details on delivery out West this Summers.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Angora Rabbit Giveaway

Check out this awesome video made by Millennial Way Farm for their "Why I Want A German Angora" contest/giveaway!

Giveaway Video

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pictures and Update!

Hi Everyone!

As I was looking through photos today, I thought that my sponsors and project followers would like to know who is behind this project. These photos were taken this past Summer and Fall.

Update for Master Spinners- I am working right now on submitting my proposal of the level six idea. I will keep everyone posted.

I hope everyone is safe and warm (as I know some areas have been getting a lot of snow)! Keep in touch, as I would love to hear about your latest projects! :)

Mallory Stack
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Master Spinners Update (Level 5)

Right now I am finishing level five and am working on my final idea for level six. I just wanted to let everyone know how much their help and support means! Thanks for all YOU do and I will keep you all updated!

"Why I Want A German Angora" - NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES!

Millennial Way Farm in now accepting entries and we want to hear from YOU! Make sure to submit your entries. This contest closes March 15th 2011. Send all entries to our email ( Entries can be either submitted as a written report or short video.

We hope you will join us.... please feel free to post comments.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Why I Want A German Angora" Contest 2011

Have you ever wanted an Angora? Millennial Way Farm is sponsoring for the first time ever the “Why I Want A German Angora” contest. This contest is to encourage those who want an Angora bunny to pursue their dream.

Send your name, email, phone number, and a video of yourself explaining why YOU want an German Angora to us at

1st Prize:

One Free Full German Angora Rabbit Buck w/Pedigree**
2nd Prize:

50% Off a Full German Angora Rabbit of your choice**

3rd Prize:

25% Off a Full German Angora Rabbit of your choice**

4th Prize:
10% Off a Full German Angora Rabbit of your choice** & Two Ounces of White Prime Clip Angora

**delivery not included, initial care consultation included.... The contest runs from February 15th-March 15th, 2011. The entries will be voted on by our entire family and a final decision will be posted on “Why I Want A German Angora” contest site.

Millennial Way Farm – Little Rock, Arkansas
By entering this contest you give Millennial Way Farm the rights to use your video and information on the “Why I Want A German Angora” contest website ( and on promotional blogs and websites for the German Angora breed.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Bunnies Due....

Our family's rabbity is looking forward to bunnies being born! We bred three does (females) which are due in about a week. It has been a while since we last had bunnies, and I am looking forward to it (all except for the late night barn checks).


I will most likely will be working on the Master Spinners program towards the end of the month, since I will be working on taxes (for the family business) and updating farm and studio websites and blogs.

The picture above is from our 2007 Shearing Day. Who would not want one of these dolls?


Overview For The Year

This past year we had over 1000 pageviews and have had people from the following countries view this blog: USA, Canada, India, Finland, United Kingdom, Russia, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Brazil and Guadeloupe (these were the countires that visited the blog- others were not listed).

I hope that this coming year we will have more visitors from other countries as we finish this project.

Christmas & The New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I can't begin to thank all of you for your help with supplies and moral support this past year. This past year has really gone by SO fast (can it really be 2011?), and we are starting a new year already!

I am currently finishing level five and will be starting level six (I am almost done!). Level five had more sample skeins and dying methods to complete. I just need to finish some designer yarn skeins and tpi ("twist per inch") skeins (which is my least favorite to complete). Level six has not been written up for distance study yet, so they are working on that right now. The level mainly consists of an in-depth study of choice. I chose the topic "Uses for Angora" (which still needs to approved), as I wanted to come up with final projects breeders of Angora rabbits can use. We have been raising Angoras for the past 10 years and have found that the Felting grade has been wasted (either sold for $1/oz or thrown). The saying "You have to use every inch or there is no profit" is true, that is why I want to come up with projects using every inch!

Email any ideas you might have to the following email address to be included in this final project. Below is a list of ideas I came up with already:

Flies for Fly Fishing
Felted Boot Liners
Designer Yarn (with little dyed bits)
Christmas Bulbs (use brightly dyed angora to stuff bulbs)
Felted Purse (knitted and then felted)

Thanks for all you do! HAPPY  NEW YEAR! 

Mallory Stack