Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Bunnies Due....

Our family's rabbity is looking forward to bunnies being born! We bred three does (females) which are due in about a week. It has been a while since we last had bunnies, and I am looking forward to it (all except for the late night barn checks).


I will most likely will be working on the Master Spinners program towards the end of the month, since I will be working on taxes (for the family business) and updating farm and studio websites and blogs.

The picture above is from our 2007 Shearing Day. Who would not want one of these dolls?


Overview For The Year

This past year we had over 1000 pageviews and have had people from the following countries view this blog: USA, Canada, India, Finland, United Kingdom, Russia, Poland, United Arab Emirates, Brazil and Guadeloupe (these were the countires that visited the blog- others were not listed).

I hope that this coming year we will have more visitors from other countries as we finish this project.

Christmas & The New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I can't begin to thank all of you for your help with supplies and moral support this past year. This past year has really gone by SO fast (can it really be 2011?), and we are starting a new year already!

I am currently finishing level five and will be starting level six (I am almost done!). Level five had more sample skeins and dying methods to complete. I just need to finish some designer yarn skeins and tpi ("twist per inch") skeins (which is my least favorite to complete). Level six has not been written up for distance study yet, so they are working on that right now. The level mainly consists of an in-depth study of choice. I chose the topic "Uses for Angora" (which still needs to approved), as I wanted to come up with final projects breeders of Angora rabbits can use. We have been raising Angoras for the past 10 years and have found that the Felting grade has been wasted (either sold for $1/oz or thrown). The saying "You have to use every inch or there is no profit" is true, that is why I want to come up with projects using every inch!

Email any ideas you might have to the following email address to be included in this final project. Below is a list of ideas I came up with already:

Flies for Fly Fishing
Felted Boot Liners
Designer Yarn (with little dyed bits)
Christmas Bulbs (use brightly dyed angora to stuff bulbs)
Felted Purse (knitted and then felted)

Thanks for all you do! HAPPY  NEW YEAR! 

Mallory Stack