Thursday, May 27, 2010

Finishing Level 3 and Starting Level 4

Boy! This past month has been crazy. I am getting ready to take the ACT (12th) and SAT (5th), plus I am finishing level 3. Everything has been flying by so fast. I keep reminding myself that I will finish by Sept. and I know I will (good pep talk, huh?)! Anyways, I promise more pictures soon. Our family website & are finished. I am working on designing my own website for webdesign and photography business that I am starting. So, if you know anyone who needs a website have them email me.

I need to go. I post more later.

Monday, May 17, 2010

This Past Month's Pictures

This week I have been very busy SPINNING (as you can see in the photos above)! haha.... I am hoping to finish level three this week. I think I am going to make my goal to have all of the levels done by the end of Summer!

Check back for more updates!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Surprize Package!!!

Yesterday a package came from Miss Babs. It was such a treat to open. She had sent many different fibers and yarns for dying that will be used in the up coming levels. THANKS SO MUCH! I am going to post pictures of the sample yarn I spun up this past week (look for them on Munday or Tuesday!). Thanks everyone!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Marking for Level Two

I just recieved my mark for level two (80%), which I think is really good since it is really hard to know what they are looking for this far away. I am half way done with level three, which they are doing on trial since no one has ever done this level homestudy.

I want to say how sorry I am that I have not written much the past month or so. I promise to post more pictures of level three later this week.

Happy Spinning!