Friday, March 23, 2012

New Blog Facelift

Hi Fibery Friends!

So how do you like my new blog facelift? I thought it could use a change....or maybe I needed a change.

How have you all been? It seems like it has been awhile since I touched based with everyone and wanted to know how your lives have been going.

Life sure has been crazy here in Arkansas. Some days it feels as if I don't have enough minutes of the day to get everything done, however I know that I need to enjoy my college experience since it won't last forever. Don't you just wish that you could have control over your life's direction? Every time I think I have control, I learn that in deed I don't have any.

This semester has been packed with core classes, however as I am finding out some of the classes I am taking usually aren't taken until later in college careers. Oh well.... I just working on trying to enjoy them.

I will post again tomorrow about my latest fiber journeys, as it is getting really late.... so check back.

Thanks so much for your overwhelming support!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2nd Annual "Why I Want A German Angora" Contest

Millennial Way Farm is sponsoring the 2nd annual "Why I Want A German Angora" contest.

This year we are looking for youtube video submissions. These videos can be filmed with your computer, cell phone or camera. If you don't know how to upload your videos, check out the tutorial videos on YouTube. You can find all of the specific details for the contest on the contest rules page.

This year contestants will be competing for the opportunity to win a 100% Full German Buck (adult rabbit). Meet the lucky guy on his own page "Meet Charles"!

We hope you consider entering our contest!

This year we are requesting that the video submissions be posted on YouTube. When making your video, we would like you to answer the following questions: Why do you want a German Angora specifically? What would you do with the fiber produced? Are you a fiber artist? If so, what inspiried you to work with fiber? Have you had any experience with raising Angoras? Do you have transportation from Arkansas to your location?

Steps for entering:

1. Start by making a video of yourself answering the questions above. This video can be made with your computer/laptop, cell phone or camera.

2. Once you have taken your video, please post it on YouTube. If you don't know how to upload check out the wonderful tutorial videos on YouTube.

3. Email us the link to your video along with your email address, phone number and where you are located (all of the personal information will be kept private).

4. Make sure to like Millennial Way Farm on Facebook or follow us on Twitter (if you have an account).

Contest Website:

Contest YouTube Video:

Monday, March 5, 2012

Photography Update.....

The contest has closed and now they are choosing the finalists....I don't think I made it as I added my photos two days before the contest ended, so I didn't have the time to get enough votes....oh, well.

Thanks for everything you guys do for me! Every time I think of your wonderful support, I SMILE!


Friday, March 2, 2012


Hi Friends and Followers!

Today I decided to enter a photo contest for Deseret Book's calendar featuring LDS temples! I need as many of you as possible to vote for my photos daily, so that they will be considered for the calendar!!!! Just click the links below to vote using your Facebook!

REMEMBER TO VOTE DAILY! Thanks so much for all you do for me! Hope you enjoy seeing some of my works of art....yes, it is yet another of my art mediums.

                                                                Palmyra, NY temple

                                                               Salt Lake, UT temple

                                                                 Nauvoo, IL temple

                                                                  Nauvoo, IL temple #2

                                                               Nauvoo, IL temple #3

Salt Lake, UT temple

Thanks everyone for your support!